Ichiddo Ramen, St. Paul, MN
Ichiddo Ramen, St Paul, MN 55116
There is some people that don’t pay for noodles but others that enjoy them, especially when taste good and came in a beautiful and artistic bowl, I am one of the latter. This small restaurant is delicious, I tried the ramen in a soup but there is also an option of fried noodles. My bowl was full of vegetables and it was enough for a good lunch. All the utensils were not only non plastic but pretty, it was obvious that were chosen with good taste, even the chopsticks that in many restaurants are of one use only. The decoration of the restaurant is simple but gives a great impact. They use spoons or ceramic bowls of different styles to bring an artistic touch. Unfortunately, I can’t give Ichiddo the perfect score because of the plastic container of the thai tea, other wise delicious and with bubbles, which I enjoyed but I think I prefer my tea withouth them. The tea was served in a plastic container with a big straw. The other disposable item were napkins. I trully recommend this nice and affordable place to eat.
Eat Green, Be Happy rating system
🌿🌿🌿🌿 4 leaves: All green
🌿🌿🌿. 3 leaves: Great but you can do better
🌿🌿 2 leaves: Green by chance
🌿 1 leaf: Not green at all
🚫0 leaves: Not green option
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